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I'm Bud! Big - goofy - loud. I am a high school teacher by day (and night) and also a photographer who loves to have fun. My personality type is best described as "Willing to talk to a brown paper bag." That's a direct quote from a friend.


I can go toe-to-toe with anyone who thinks they can out-quote me on The Office or Schitt's Creek. I have seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation more times than I can count. Dolly Parton is my forever idol.  


My wife Jessica and I (you'll see her on the bio page) have our own little brood of characters that keep us busy at home. We have a seven year old daughter who has read more books in her lifetime than I have. A nearly six year old boy who has constructed and deconstructed Legos into a billion (ok, maybe only 900 million) different "space ships" and "bad guy pods." And a two and a half year old daughter who has climbed to the top of every piece of furniture we own as well as deleted countless files from mine and my wife's computers as she is "working" from home too...


I have been teaching for 13 years. I get kids. I know how to connect immediately and help them feel at ease in a session whether they're a senior in high school, or a pre-schooler.


Head over to my bio page if there is ANYTHING you could still possibly want to know about me!


See those cuties down below??? That's my crew! And thanks for checking out B Strudthoff Photography!



Hey Seniors and Families! I have had the great pleasure to photograph high school seniors from many local high schools, including: Mason, Kings, Lakota East and West, St. Xavier, and Monroe. I really enjoy laughing, talking about your future, and helping you feel comfortable throughout your session! Head on over to the SENIOR PAGE for more information and sample galleries!


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B Strudthoff Photography 

p: 513-379-9798

Serving: Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, Mason, Lebanon, West Chester

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